Configuring Helm charts

This article explains the configuration file of the Hydrosphere Helm charts.


To install Hydrosphere on the Kubernetes cluster you should have the following prerequisites fulfilled.

Configuring Helm charts

Fetch the newest charts to your local directory.

  1. Add the Hydrosphere charts repository:

    helm repo add hydrosphere
  2. Install the chart from repo to the cluster:

    helm fetch --untar hydrosphere/serving
    cd serving

Helm charts are bundled with two distinct configuration files. The default one is values.yaml, the more comprehensive one is values-production.yaml.

By default (in the values.yaml), Helm charts are configured to set up a basic Hydrosphere installation aimed for a testing workload. To configure the installation for the production workload you have to set up additional resources, such as separate database instances, a separate docker registry, and override default values in the configuration file.

The contents of values.yaml and values-production.yaml files are overlapping, so we will continue with the latter.

Structure of values-production.yaml

      enabled: false
      host: hydrosphere.local
      path: "/"
      enableGrpc: true # Enable ingress resources for grpc endpoints for services. Works only with `path: "/"`. 
      issuer: letsencrypt-prod

    insecure: true
    ingress: # optional, when url != ""
      enabled: false
      host: hydrosphere-registry.local
      path: "/"
      issuer: letsencrypt-prod
    url: ""
    username: example # Username to authenticate to the registry 
    password: example # Password to authenticate to the registry
    persistence: # optional, when url != ""
      bucket: hydrosphere-model-registry
      region: us-east-1

    url: ""
    mode: minio # Defines the type of the persistence storage. Valid options are "s3" and "minio".
    accessKey: ACCESSKEYEXAMPLE # accesskeyid for s3 or minio
    secretKey: SECRETKEYEXAMPLE # secretkeyid for s3 or minio
    region: us-east-1 # optional, when mode == "minio"

    url: "" # Specify MongoDB connection string if you want to use an external MongoDB instance. 
            # If empty, an in-cluster deployment will be provisioned. 
    rootPassword: hydr0s3rving 
    username: root 
    password: hydr0s3rving
    authDatabase: admin
    retry: false
    database: hydro-serving-data-profiler

    url: "" # Specify Postgresql connection string if you want to use an external Postgresql instance. 
            # If empty, an in-cluster deployment will be provisioned.
    username: postgres
    password: hydr0s3rving
    database: hydro-serving

    url: "" # Prometheus AlertManager address in case you want to use the external installation.
            # If empty, an internal installation will be deployed.
        smtp_smarthost: localhost:25 # SMTP relay host
        smtp_auth_username: mailbot # SMTP relay username 
        smtp_auth_identity: mailbot # SMTP relay username identity
        smtp_auth_password: mailbot # SMTP relay password
        smtp_from: # Email address of the sender
        group_by: [alertname, modelVersionId]
        group_wait: 10s
        group_interval: 10s
        repeat_interval: 1h
        receiver: default
      - name: default
        email_configs: # List of email addresses to send alarms to
        - to:

  tolerations: []
    # - key: key
    #   operator: Equal
    #   value: value
    #   effect: NoSchedule  

  resources: {}

  javaOpts: "-Xmx1024m -Xms128m -Xss16M"
    create: true
    # name: "hydro-serving-manager-sa"
  resources: {}

  javaOpts: "-Xmx512m -Xms64m -Xss16M"
  resources: {}

  # A service, responsible for managing metrics, managing training and production data storage,
  # calculating profiles, and shadowing data to the monitoring metrics. 
  javaOpts: "-Xmx2048m -Xmn2048m -Xss258k -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m -XX:+AggressiveHeap"
    bucket: "hydrosphere-feature-lake"
    region: "us-east-1"

      memory: 4Gi
      memory: 512Mi

  # A service, responsible for automatically generating outlier detection metrics for your 
  # production models based on the training data of the model. 
  resources: {}

  # A service, responsible for creating statistical reports for your production models based
  # on a comparison of training and production data distributions. Compares these two sets 
  # of data by a set of statistical tests and finds deviations.
  resources: {}

  # A service, responsible for visualizing high-dimensional data in a 2D scatter plot with
  # an automatically trained transformer to let you evaluate the data structure and spot 
  # clusters, outliers, novel data, or any other patterns. This is especially helpful if 
  # your model works with high-dimensional data, such as images or text embeddings. 
    bucket: hydrosphere-visualization-artifacts
    region: us-east-1
  resources: {}

  # A service, responsible for generating explanations for a particular model prediction to 
  # help you understand the outcome by telling why your model made the prediction. 
  resources: {}

# Pull secret for hydrosphere from private registry
  enabled: false
  host: "" # Registry url for accessing hydrosphere images
  username: "" # Registry username for accessing hydrosphere images
  password: "" # Registry password for accessing hydrosphere images

Let's go over each section one by one.


.global.ui.ingress.enabled is responsible for creating an ingress resource for the HTTP endpoint of the UI service. specifies the DNS name of the ingress resource.

.global.ui.ingress.path specifies the context path of the ingress resource.

.global.ui.ingress.enableGrpc is responsible for creating an ingress resource for the GRPC endpoint of the UI service. Note, specifying .global.ui.ingress.enableGrpc: true only works when the path is set to "/", so it's recommended to leave .global.ui.ingress.path untouched.

.global.ui.ingress.issuer is the name of the configured certificate issuer for ingress resources. Make sure it's set to either an Issuer or a ClusterIssuer. We do not bundle certificate manager to the Hydrosphere charts, so you have to set up this yourself. Consider consulting documentation for more help.

.ui.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.

Docker Registry

It is recommended to use a preconfigured docker registry for the production workload.

If you do not specify .global.registry.url,Hydrosphere will create an internal instance of the docker registry. This approach is only recommended for testing purposes.

.global.registry.url specifies the endpoint of your preconfigured docker registry.

.global.registry.username and .global.registry.password specify the credentials for your registry.

.global.registry.ingress.enabled is responsible for creating an ingress resource for the registry service. This also issues certificates for the docker registry, which are required for external registries.

If .global.registry.ingress.enabled is set to "true", .global.registry.insecure should be set to "false". This will tell Hydrosphere to work with the registry in secure mode.

If .global.registry.ingress.enabled is set to "false", .global.registry.insecure _should be set to "true"._ This will tell Hydrosphere to work with the registry in insecure mode. This will also create a DaemonSet which will proxy all requests to the registry from each node.

.global.registry.persistence section configures persistency options for the service. This is only valid when .global.persistence.mode is set to "s3".

.global.registry.persistence.bucket specifies the bucket name, where to store images.

.global.registry.persistence.region specifies region of the bucket. If not specified, it will be fallback to .global.persistence.region.


It is recommended to use a preconfigured persistent storage for the production workload.

If you do not specify .global.persistence.url, Hydrosphere will create an internal instance of the minio storage. This approach is only recommended for testing purposes.

.global.persistence.url specifies the endpoint for your preconfigured storage.

.global.persistence.mode specifies, which persistence mode is used. Only valid options are "s3" or "minio".

.global.persistence.accessKey and .global.persistence.secretKey specify credentials to the storage.

.global.persistence.region specifies default regional constraint for the buckets.

Internal instance can be created when .global.persistence.mode is set to "minio".


It is recommended to use a preconfigured Mongo database instance for the production workload. .global.mongodb.url specifies the endpoint for your preconfigured Mongo instance.

If you omit specifying .global.mongodb.url, Hydrosphere will create an internal instance of the MongoDB database. This approach is only recommended for testing purposes.


It is recommended to use a preconfigured PostgreSQL database instance for the production workload. .global.postgresql.url specifies the endpoint for your preconfigured PostgreSQL instance.

If you omit specifying .global.postgresql.url, Hydrosphere will create an internal instance of the PostgreSQL database. This approach is only recommended for testing purposes.


.global.alertmanager.url specifies the endpoint for your preconfigured Prometheus AlertManager instance. If you omit specifying it, Hydrosphere will create an internal instance of AlertManager.

.global.alertmanager.config specifies configuration file for the AlertManager. Consider consulting AlertManager documentation for more details.


You can learn more about the Manager service in the Serving section.

.manager.javaOpts specifies Java options for the service.

.manager.serviceAccount section specifies ServiceAccount details for Manager service to use, when managing Kubernetes resources.

.manager.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the Gateway service in the Serving section.

.gateway.javaOpts specifies Java options for the service.

.gateway.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the Sonar service in the Monitoring section.

.sonar.javaOpts specifies Java options for the service.

.sonar.persistence section configures persistency options for the service.

.sonar.persistence.bucket specifies the bucket name, where to store training data and other artifacts.

.sonar.persistence.region specifies region of the bucket. If not specified, it will be fallback to .global.persistence.region.

.sonar.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the AutoOd service in the Monitoring section.

.auto-od.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the Stat service in the Monitoring section.

.stat.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the Visualization service in the Interpretability section.

.visualization.persistence section configures persistency options for the service.

.visualization.persistence.bucket specifies the bucket name, where to store data artifacts.

.visualization.persistence.region specifies region of the bucket. If not specified, it will be fallback to .global.persistence.region.

.visualization.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can learn more about the RootCause service in the Interpretability section.

.rootcause.resources section specifies resource requests and limits for the service.


You can specify global tolerations for Hydrosphere services to be deployed on particular nodes using .global.tolerations. Consider consulting Kubernetes documentation for more details.

Installing charts

Once the charts were configured, install the release.

helm install serving --namespace hydrosphere -f values-production.yaml .

Last updated