
The Hydrosphere platform can be installed in the following orchestrator's:

Docker installation

To install Hydrosphere using docker-compose, you should have the following prerequisites installed on your machine.

Install from releases

  1. Download the latest released_version release from the releases page:

export HYDROSPHERE_RELEASE=__released_version__
wget -O hydro-serving-${HYDROSPHERE_RELEASE}.tar.gz${HYDROSPHERE_RELEASE}.tar.gz
  1. Unpack the tar ball:

tar -xvf hydro-serving-${HYDROSPHERE_RELEASE}.tar.gz
  1. Set up an environment:

cd hydro-serving-${HYDROSPHERE_RELEASE}
docker-compose up

Install from source

  1. Clone the serving repository:

    git clone
  2. Set up an environment:

    cd hydro-serving
    docker-compose up -d

To check the installation, open http://localhost/. By default, Hydrosphere UI is available at port 80.

Kubernetes installation

By default, Hydrosphere spins up a minimal installation applicable only for testing purposes. Consult this document for details about deploying production-ready Hydrosphere instance.

To install Hydrosphere on the Kubernetes cluster you should have the following prerequisites fulfilled.

Install from charts repository

  1. Add the Hydrosphere charts repository:

    helm repo add hydrosphere
  2. Install the chart from repo to the cluster:

    helm install --name serving --namespace hydrosphere hydrosphere/serving

Install from source

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd hydro-serving/helm
  2. Build dependencies:

    helm dependency build serving
  3. Install the chart:

    helm install --namespace hydrosphere serving

After the chart has been installed, you have to expose the ui component outside of the cluster. For the sake of simplicity, we will just port-forward it locally.

kubectl port-forward -n hydrosphere svc/serving-ui 8080:9090

To check the installation, open http://localhost:8080/.

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