Sonar service is responsible for managing metrics, training and production data storage, calculating profiles, and shadowing data to the Model Versions which are used as an outlier detection metrics.
Hydrosphere has an internal Model Registry as centralized storage for Model Versions. When you build a Dockerized model and upload it to Hydrosphere or create new model versions, they get uploaded/stored to the configured model registry in the form of images. This organizes and simplifies model management across the platform and production lifecycle.
There are a few concepts that you should be familiar with before starting to work with the Hydrosphere platform.
Resource definitions describe Models, Applications, and Deployment Configurations in the YAML format. You can learn more about them in the How to write resource definitions section.
A Model is a machine learning model or a processing function that consumes provided inputs and produces predictions or transformations.
Within the Hydrosphere platform, we break down a model into its versions. Each Model version represents a single Docker image containing all the artifacts that you have uploaded to the platform. Consequently, Model is a group of Model versions with the same name.
A Runtime is a Docker image with the predefined gRPC interface which loads and serves your model.
We have implemented a few runtimes, which you can use in your own projects.
Servable is a deployed instance of a Model version combined with a Runtime. It exposes a gRPC endpoint that can be used to send requests.
Users should not use Servables as-is, since they are designed to be building blocks, rather than inference endpoints. Hydrosphere provides a better alternative to deploy a Model version — Application.
An Application is a pipeline of one or more stages, each consisting of one or multiple Model Versions. Data sent to an application stage is shadowed to all of its model versions. The output of a stage is picked randomly with respect to weights.
When a user creates an Application, the Manager service automatically deploys appropriate Servables. The Application handles monitoring of your models and can perform A/B traffic splits.
Each Application has publicly available HTTP and gRPC endpoints that you can send requests to.
A Deployment Configuration is a collection of Kubernetes settings that you can set for your Servables and Model Versions used inside of Application stages.
Deployment Configuration covers:
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler specs
Container Specs
Resource requirements: limits and requests
Pod Specs
Node Selectors
Deployment Specs
Replicas count
A Model's Signature is a specification of your model computation which identifies the name of a function with its inputs and outputs, including their names, shapes, and data types.
Example of a signature defined in a YAML file:
A Field is a basic element of a Model's signature. It has a name, shape, data type, and profile.
Example of a model's signature field defined in a YAML file:
A Profile is a special tag that tells how Hydrosphere should interpret the field's data.
There are multiple available tags: Numerical, Categorical, Image, Text, Audio, Video, etc.
Data coming through deployed Model Versions can be monitored with metrics.
Metric is a Model Version that takes a combination of inputs & outputs from another monitored Model Version, receives every request and response from the monitored model, produces a single value, and compares it with a threshold to determine whether this request was healthy or not.
Every request is evaluated against all metrics assigned to the model.
Auto OD Metric is an automatically generated Outlier Detection metric. More details are described here.
A check is a boolean condition associated with a field of a Model Version signature which shows for every request whether the field value is acceptable or not.
For example, Min/Max checks ensure that a field value is in an acceptable range which is inferred from training data values.
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Interpretability provides EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) and explanations for predictions made by your models to make predictions understandable and actionable. It also produces explanations for monitoring metrics to let you know why a particular request was marked as an outlier. The component consists of 2 services:
Data Projections
Both services are built with Celery to run asynchronous tasks from apps and consists of a client, a worker, and a broker that mediates in between. A client generates a task and initiates it by adding a message to a queue, а broker delivers it to a worker, then the worker executes the task.
Interpretability services use MongoDB as both a Celery broker and backend storage to save task results. To save and retrieve model training and production data, the Interpretability component uses S3 storage.
When Explanation or Data Projection receives a task they create a new temporary Servable specifically for the model they need to make an explanation for. They use this Servable to run data through it in order to make new predictions and delete it after.
Prediction Explanations generate explanations of model predictions to help you understand them. Depending on the type of data your model uses, it provides an explanation as either a set of logical predicates if your data is in a tabular format or a saliency map if your data is in the image format. Saliency Map is a heat map that highlights parts of a picture that a prediction was based on.
Data Projection visualizes high-dimensional data in a 2D scatter plot with an automatically trained UMAP transformer to let you evaluate data structure and spot clusters, outliers, novel data, or any other patterns. It is especially helpful if your model works with high-dimensional data, such as images or text embeddings.
Gateway is a service responsible for routing requests to/from or between Servables and Applications and validating these requests for matching a Model's/Application signature.
The Gateway maps a model’s name to a corresponding container. Whenever it receives a request via HTTP API, GRPC, or Kafka Streams, it communicates with that container via the gRPC protocol.
Manager is responsible for:
Building a Docker Image from your ML model for future deployment
Storing these images inside a Docker Registry deployed alongside with
manager service
Versioning these images as Model Versions
Creating running instances of these Model Versions called Servables
inside Kubernetes cluster
Combining multiple Model Versions into a linear graph with a single
endpoint called Application
Hydrosphere users can use multiple model versions inside of the same Application stage. Hydrosphere shadows traffic to all model versions inside of an application stage.
Users can specify the likelihood that a model output will be selected as an application stage output by using the weight
Hydrosphere shadows traffic to all model versions inside of an application stage.
If you want to shadow your traffic between model versions without producing output from them simply set weight
parameter to 0
. This way your model version will receive all incoming traffic, but its output will never be chosen as an output of an application stage.
Hydrosphere is an open-source MLOps platform for deploying, managing, and monitoring ML models in production with Kubernetes.
Hydrosphere supports all major machine learning frameworks, including Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, XGBoost, scikit-learn, fastai, etc. The platform is designed to effectively measure performance and health metrics of your production models, making it possible to spot early signs of performance drops and data drifts, get insights into why they happen.
Hydrosphere offers immediate value to ML-based products:
Сovers all aspects of the production ML lifecycle - model versioning & deployment, traffic & contract management, data monitoring, gaining insights.
Easy & fast management of production models that brings models to production in minutes by reducing time to upload, update, and roll your models into production.
Allows to create reproducible, observable, and explainable machine learning pipelines.
Provides understanding and control of models’ performance in production via data and target metrics analysis.
Adds in-depth observability for your production models and data flowing through them.
Improves business metrics of ML-based products as a result of a reduction in MTTR and MTTD incidents related to ML models due to early alerts once data drifts happen.
Production ML is a dangerous place where numerous things can and usually do go wrong, making issues harder to discover and fix. Hydrosphere automates MLOps in the production part of the ML lifecycle combining best practices of CI/CD and DevOps and putting special emphasis on monitoring performance of ML models after their deployment.
MLOps problems Hydrosphere addresses:
Non-interpretable, biased models
Integration between the tools of each step of production ML lifecycle
Long time to find & debug issues with production ML Models
Monitoring for Model Degradation and Performance Loss
Understanding the reasons behind wrong predictions
Hydrosphere is not an ML model training framework. Before using Hydrosphere, you need to train your models with one of many existing frameworks for ML model training.
We suggest you use one of the orchestrators, such as Kubeflow or Airflow, to deliver your model to the Hydrosphere.
Hydrosphere platform includes all steps of a production ML model cycle - Versioning, Deployment, Monitoring, and Maintenance. This combination allows us to use a single tool to build an observable, reproducible, and scalable workflow, and start getting early warnings once anything goes wrong. These steps of an ML lifecycle are divided between three components that make up the Hydrosphere platform - Serving, Monitoring, and Interpretability.
Hydro Serving is responsible for framework-agnostic model deployment and management. It allows Data Scientists to upload, version, combine into linear pipelines and deploy ML models trained in any ML framework to a Docker/Kubernetes cluster and expose HTTP/gRPC/Kafka API to other parties.
Hydro Monitoring tracks model performance over time, raising alerts in case of detected issues. It provides a real-time updated UI, where you can monitor your models to see service health and usage. This constant monitoring of model health is crucial for any ML-based business as it’s tied to business and financial metrics.
Hydrosphere is capable of monitoring model quality with or without getting additional labeled data. Labeled data is often used in production drawing conclusions about the quality of a model’s predictions. Sometimes it is hard to get labeled data in production in a timely and cost-effective manner, especially when you deal with large volumes of complex data. Hydrosphere circumvents this issue by analyzing data that flows through a model as a proxy evaluating model quality to detect if ML models start to degrade and make unreliable predictions due to production data drifts from training data.
Hydrosphere Interpretability provides human-readable explanations of the predictions made by your ML models, as well as the explanations of monitoring analytics made by Hydrosphere Monitoring. It helps to evaluate and analyze models and understand what features influence their decisions. The Interpretability component demystifies your ML process, provides a new level of confidence about the reasons behind your models’ decisions and a certain level of trust business can rely on.
Hydrosphere is a language-agnostic platform. You can use it with models written in any language and trained in any framework. Your ML models can come from any background, without restrictions of your choices regarding ML model development tools.
In Hydrosphere you operate ML models as , which are Docker containers packed with predefined dependencies and gRPC interfaces for loading and serving them on the platform with a model inside. All models that you upload to Hydrosphere must have the corresponding runtimes.
Runtimes are created by building a Docker container with dependencies required for the language that matches your model. You can either or .
The Hydrosphere component responsible for building Docker images from models for deployment, storing them in the registry, versioning, and more is .
Anomaly detection is focused on identifying data objects that are different from our expectations. It could be influenced by bad practices like noise, errors, or some unexpected events. Unusual data also can be due to rare, but correct, behavior, which often results in interesting findings, motivating further investigation. Because of these reasons, it is necessary to develop techniques that allow us to identify such unusual events. We assume that such events may induce some objects generated by a ”different mechanism”, which indicates that these objects might contain unexpected patterns that do not conform to normal behavior.
From first sight, anomaly detection is perceived as a classification task to differentiate between normal and abnormal events. However, we usually have a very small number of such abnormalities or do not have them at all, which transforms the problem of outlier detection into the unsupervised context, the type of machine learning, a type of machine learning that looks for previously undetected patterns in a data set with no pre-existing labels and with a minimum of human supervision. For all those reasons it becomes very complicated to establish the most relevant outlier detection algorithm for each case.
Hydrosphere has an engine inside that automatically creates an outlier detection metric for each model. The whole process consists of sequential steps and can be splitted up on several stages:
As a starting point, Hydrosphere utilizes a training data to check whether it has an approapriate format for each feature
Applying Mass Volume curve method to find an appropriate anomaly detection model based on the training data
Upload the model on the cluster and assign it as a anomaly detection metric to the initially trained model
As you might notice the core mechanism that makes a choice about the model is based on the Mass Volume curve. This kind of metric might be assumed as a performance metric for unsupervised anomaly detection. You can learn more about this method and metric by this link. At the moment Hydrosphere makes a choice among three anomaly detection algorithms: Isolation Forest, Local Outlier Factor and One-Class Support Vector Machines. Additional models will be added later.
The last aspect of outlier detection algorithm is choosing an appropriate threshold. Most methods calculate outlier score for each object and then threshold the scores to detect outliers. Most widely used thresholding techniques are based on statistics like standard deviation around mean, median absolute deviation and interquartile range. Unfortunately, these statistics can be significantly biased because of the presence of outliers when calculating these statistics. In Hydropshere, we empirically decided to stay with 97th percentile. It means that a request is labeled as an outlier if the outlier score is greater than the 97th percentile of training data outlier scores distribution.
You can observe those models deployed as metrics in your monitoring dashboard. These metrics provide you with information about how novel/anomalous your data is. If these values of the metric deviate significantly from the average, you can tell that you experience some potential abnormality event. In the case, if you observe a gradually increasing number of such events, then it might be associated with a data drift, which makes a need to re-evaluate your ML pipeline to check for errors.
Right now Auto OD feature works only for Models with numerical scalar fields and uploaded training data.
A Hydrosphere user can create a linear inference pipeline from multiple model versions. Such pipelines are called Applications.
Hydrosphere allows you to A/B test your ML models in production.
A/B testing is a great way of measuring how well your models perform or which of your model versions is more effective and taking data-driven decisions upon this knowledge.
Production ML applications always have specific goals, for example driving as many users as possible to perform some action. To achieve these goals, it’s necessary to run online experiments and compare model versions using metrics in order to measure your progress against them. This approach allows to track whether your development efforts lead to desired outcomes.
To perform a basic A/B experiment on an application consisting of 2 variants of a model, you need to train and upload both versions to Hydrosphere, create an application with a single execution stage from them, invoke it by simulating production data flow, then analyze production data using metrics of your choice.
Learn how to set up an A/B application:
Drift Report service creates a statistical report based on a comparison of training and production data distributions. It compares these two sets of data by a set of statistical tests and finds deviations.
Drift report uses multiple different tests with p=.95 for different features:
Numerical features:
Levene's test with a trimmed mean
Welch's t-test
Mood's test
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Categorical features:
Chi-Square test
Unseen categories
Right now Drift Report feature works only for Models with numerical scalar fields.
Data Projection is a service that visualizes high-dimensional data in a 2D scatter plot with an automatically trained transformer to let you evaluate the data structure and spot clusters, outliers, novel data, or any other patterns. This is especially helpful if your model works with high-dimensional data, such as images or text embeddings.
Data Projection is an important tool, which helps to describe complex things in a simple way. One good visualization can show more than text or data. Monitoring and interpretation of machine learning models are hard tasks that require analyzing a lot of raw data: training data, production requests, as well as model outputs.
Essentially, this data is just numbers that in their original form of vectors and matrices do not have any meaning since it is hard to extract any meaning from thousands of vectors of numbers. In Hydrosphere we want to make monitoring easier and clearer that is why we created a data projection service that can visualize your data in a single plot.
To start working with Data Projection you need to create a model that has an output field with an embedding of your data. Embeddings are real-valued vectors that represent the input features in a lower dimensionality.
Create a model with an embedding
Data Projection service delegates the creation of embeddings to the user. It expects that model will create embedding from input features and pass it as output vector. Thus embedding
field is required, models without this field are not supported. Data Projection also expects that output labels field is called class
and model confidence is called respectively confidence
. Other outputs are ignored.
Send data through your model
Check Data Projection service inside the Model Details menu
Each point in the plot presents a request. Requests with similar features are close to each other. You can select a specific request point and inspect what it consists of.
Above plot, there are several scores: global score, stability score, MSID score, etc. These scores reflect the quality of projection of multidimensional requests to 2D. To interpret scores you refer to technical documentation on Data Projection service.
In the Colorize menu, you can choose how to colorize model requests: by class, by monitoring metric or by confidence. Data Projection searchers specifically for output scalars class and confidence.
In the Accent Points menu, you can highlight the nearest in original space points to the selected one by picking the nearest variant. Counterfactuals will show you nearest points to selected but with a different predicted label.
Monitoring Dashboard plots all requests streaming through a model version which are colored in respect with how "healthy" they are. On the horizontal axis we group our data by batches and on the vertical axis we group data by signature fields. In this plot cells are determined by their batch and field. Cells are colored from green to red, depending on the average request health inside the batch.
Inside Data Projection service you can see your requests features projected on a 2D space:
Monitoring Dashboard lets you track your performance and get a high-level view of your data health.
****Sonar sends data about any failed health checks of live production models and applications to Prometheus AlertManager. Once a user deploys a model to production, adds training data and starts sending production requests, these requests start getting checked by Sonar. If Sonar detects an anomaly (for example, a data check failed, or a metric value exceeded the threshold), AlertManager sends an appropriate alert.
Users can manage alerts by setting up AlertManager for Prometheus on Kubernetes. This can be helpful when you have models that you get too many alerts from and need to filter, group, or partly silence them. AlertManager can take care of grouping, inhibition, silencing of alerts, and routing them to the receiver integration of your choice. To configure alerts, modify the prometheus-am-configmap-<release_name>
For more information about Prometheus AlertManager please refer to its official documentation.
Prediction Explanation service is designed to help Hydrosphere users understand the underlying causes of changes in predictions coming from their models.
Prediction Explanation generates explanations of predictions produced by your models and tells you why a model made a particular prediction. Depending on the type of data your model uses, Prediction Explanation provides an explanation as either a set of logical predicates (if your data is in a tabular format) or a saliency map (if your data is in the image format). A saliency map is a heat map that highlights parts of a picture that a prediction was based on.
Hydrosphere uses model-agnostic methods for explaining your model predictions. Such methods can be used on any machine learning model after they've been uploaded to the platform.
As of now, Hydrosphere supports explaining tabular and image data with Anchor and RISE tools correspondingly.
Hydrosphere CLI, orhs
, is a command-line interface designed to work with the Hydrosphere platform.
Source code: https://github.com/Hydrospheredata/hydro-serving-cli PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/hs/
Use pip to install hs
Check the installation:
hs cluster
This command lets you operate cluster instances. A cluster points to your Hydrosphere instance. You can use this command to work with different Hydrosphere instances.
See hs cluster --help
for more information.
hs upload
This command lets you upload models to the Hydrosphere platform. During the upload, hs
looks for a serving.yaml
file in the current directory. This file must contain a definition of the model (example).
See hs upload --help
for more information.
hs apply
This command is an extended version of the hs upload
command, which also allows you to operate applications and host selector resources.
See hs apply --help
for more information.
hs profile
This command lets you upload your training data to build profiles.
$ hs profile push
- upload training data to compute its profiles.
$ hs profile status
- show profiling status for a given model.
See hs profile --help
for more information.
hs app
This command provides information about available applications.
$ hs app list
- list all existing applications.
$ hs app rm
- remove a certain application.
See hs app --help
- for more information.
hs model
This command provides information about available models.
$ hs model list
- list all existing models.
$ hs model rm
- remove a certain model.
See hs model --help
for more information.
Hydrosphere Serving Components for Kubeflow Pipelines provide integration between Hydrosphere model serving benefits and Kubeflow orchestration capabilities. This allows launching training jobs as well as serving the same models in Kubernetes in a single pipeline.
You can find examples of sample pipelines here.
The Deploy component allows you to upload a model, trained in a Kubeflow pipelines workflow to a Hydrosphere platform.
For more information, check Hydrosphere Deploy Kubeflow Component
The Release component allows you to create an Application from a model previously uploaded to Hydrosphere platform. This application will be capable of serving prediction requests by HTTP or gRPC.
For more information, check Hydrosphere Release Kubeflow Component
The Hydrosphere platform can be installed in the following orchestrator's:
To install Hydrosphere using docker-compose
, you should have the following prerequisites installed on your machine.
Download the latest 2.4.1 release from the releases page:
Unpack the tar ball:
Set up an environment:
Clone the serving repository:
Set up an environment:
To check the installation, open http://localhost/. By default, Hydrosphere UI is available at port 80.
To install Hydrosphere on the Kubernetes cluster you should have the following prerequisites fulfilled.
PV support on the underlying infrastructure (if persistence is required)
Docker registry with pull/push access (if the built-in one is not used)
Add the Hydrosphere charts repository:
Install the chart from repo to the cluster:
Clone the repository:
Build dependencies:
Install the chart:
After the chart has been installed, you have to expose the ui
component outside of the cluster. For the sake of simplicity, we will just port-forward it locally.
To check the installation, open http://localhost:8080/.
Python SDK offers a simple and convenient way of integrating a user's workflow scripts with Hydrosphere API.
Source code: https://github.com/Hydrospheredata/hydro-serving-sdk PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/hydrosdk/
You can learn more about it in its documentation here.
You can use pip to install hydrosdk
You can access the locally deployed Hydrosphere platform from previous steps by running the following code:
This section contains tutorials to help you get started with the Hydrosphere platform. A tutorial shows how to accomplish a goal rather than a single basic task.
Typically, a tutorial has several sections. When a tutorial section has several pieces of code to illustrate it, they can be shown as a group of tabs that you can switch between.
For guides on performing more basic technical steps, please look in the How-To section:
Estimated completion time: 11m.
This tutorial is relevant only for Kubernetes installation of Hydrosphere. Please refer to How to Install Hydrosphere on Kubernetes cluster.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure deployed Applications.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Train and upload an example model version
Create a Deployment Configuration
Create an Application from the uploaded model version with previously created deployment configuration
Examine settings of a Kubernetes cluster
In this section, we describe the resources required to create and upload an example model used in further sections. If you have no prior experience with uploading models to the Hydrosphere platform we suggest that you visit the Getting Started Tutorial.
Here are the resources used to train sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier
and upload it to the Hydrosphere cluster.
is a list of Python dependencies used during the process of building model image.
is a resource definition that describes how model should be built and uploaded to Hydrosphere platform.
is used to generate a model.joblib
which is loaded from func_main.py
during model serving.
Run python train.py
to generate model.joblib
is a script which serves requests and produces responses.
Our folder structure should look like this:
Do not forget to run python train.py
to generate model.joblib
After we have made sure that all files are placed correctly, we can upload the model to the Hydrosphere platform by running hs upload
from the command line.
Next, we are going to create and upload an instance of Deployment Configuration to the Hydrosphere platform.
Deployment Configurations describe with which Kubernetes settings Hydrosphere should deploy servables. You can specify Pod Affinity and Tolerations, the number of desired pods in deployment, ResourceRequirements, and Environment Variables for the model container, and HorizontalPodAutoScaler settings.
Created Deployment Configurations can be attached to Servables and Model Variants inside of Application.
Deployment Configurations are immutable and cannot be changed after they've been uploaded to the Hydrosphere platform.
You can create and upload Deployment Configuration to Hydrosphere via YAML Resource definition or via Python SDK.
For this tutorial, we'll create a deployment configuration with 2 initial pods per deployment, HPA, and FOO
environment variable with value bar
Create the deployment configuration resource definition:
To upload it to the Hydrosphere platform, run:
Create the application resource definition:
To upload it to the Hydrosphere platform, run:
You can check whether with_replicas
was successful by calling kubectl get deployment -A -o wide
and checking the READY
To check whether with_hpa
was successful you should get a list of all created Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Resources. You can do so by calling kubectl get hpa -A
The output is similar to:
To list all environment variables run kubectl exec my-model-1-tumbling-star -it /bin/bash
and then execute the printenv
command which prints ann system variables.
The output is similar to:
Estimated completion time: 14 min.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to retrospectively compare the behavior of two different models.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Set up an A/B application
Analyze production data
We train and upload our model with 5 components as movie_rec:v1
Next, we train and upload a new version of our original model with 20 components as movie_rec:v2
We can check that we have multiple versions of our model by running:
To create an A/B deployment we need to create an Application with a single execution stage consisting of two model variants. These model variants are our Model A and Model B correspondingly.
The following code will create such an application:
We'll simulate production data flow by repeatedly asking our model for recommendations.
Each request-response pair is stored in S3 (or in minio if deployed locally) in parquet files. We'll use fastparquet
package to read these files and use s3fs
package to connect to S3.
The only file in the feature-lake
folder is ['feature-lake/movie_rec']
. Data stored in S3 is stored under the following path: feature-lake/MODEL_NAME/MODEL_VERSION/YEAR/MONTH/DAY/*.parquet
Now that we have loaded the data, we can start analyzing it.
To compare differences between model versions we'll use two metrics:
Latency - we compare the time delay between the request received and the response produced.
Mean Top-3 Hit Rate - we compare recommendations to those the user has rated. If they match then increase the hit rate by 1. Do this for the complete test set to get the hit rate.
Let's calculate the 95th percentile of our latency distributions per model version and plot them. Latencies are stored in the _hs_latency
column in our dataframes.
In our case, the output was 13.0ms against 12.0ms. Results may differ.
Furthermore, we can visualize our data. To plot latency distribution we'll use the Matplotlib library.
Next, we'll calculate hit rates. To do so, we need new labeled data. For recommender systems, this data is usually available after a user has clicked\watched\liked\rated the item we've recommended to him. We'll use the test part of movielens as labeled data.
To measure how well our models were recommending movies we'll use a hit rate metric. It calculates how many movies users have watched and rated with 4 or 5 out of 3 movies recommended to him.
In our case the mean_hit_rate
variable is {'v1': 0.137, 'v2': 0.141}
. Which means that the second model version is better in terms of hit rate.
You have successfully completed the tutorial! 🚀
Now you know how to read and analyze automatically stored data.
This is an entry-point tutorial to the Hydrosphere platform. Estimated completion time: 13 min.
In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of working with Hydrosphere. We will prepare an example model for serving, deploy it to Hydrosphere, turn it into an application, invoke it locally, and use monitoring. As an example model, we will take a simple logistic regression model fit with randomly generated data, with some noise added to it.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Prepare a model for Hydrosphere
Serve a model on Hydrosphere
Create an Application
Invoke an Application
Use basic monitoring
For this tutorial, you need to have Hydrosphere Platform deployed and Hydrosphere CLI (hs
) along with Python SDK (hydrosdk
) _**_installed on your local machine. If you don't have them yet, please follow these guides first:
To let hs
know where the Hydrosphere platform runs, configure a new cluster
In the next two sections, we will prepare a model for deployment to Hydrosphere. It is important to stick to a specific folder structure during this process to let hs
parse and upload the model correctly. Make sure that the structure of your local model directory looks like this by the end of the model preparation section:
- a training script for our model
- provides dependencies for our model
- a model artifact that we get as a result of model training
- an inference script that defines a function for making model predictions
- a resource definition file to let Hydrosphere know which function to call from the func_main.py
script and let the model manager understand model’s inputs and outputs.
While Hydrosphere is a post-training platform, let's start with basic training steps to have a shared context.
As mentioned before, we will use the logistic regression model sklearn.LogisticRegression
. For data generation, we will use the sklearn.datasets.make_regression
(link) method.
First, create a directory for your model and create a new train.py
Put the following code for your model in the train.py
Next, we need to install all the necessary libraries for our model. In your logistic_regression
folder, create a requirements.txt
file and provide dependencies inside:
Install all the dependencies to your local environment:
Train the model:
As soon as the script finishes, you will get the model saved to a model.joblib
Every model in the Hydrosphere cluster is deployed as an individual container. After a request is sent from the client application, it is passed to the appropriate Docker container with your model deployed on it. An important detail is that all model files are stored in the /model/files
directory inside the container, so we will look there to load the model.
To run our model we will use a Python runtime that can execute any Python code you provide. Model preparation is pretty straightforward, but you have to create a specific folder structure described in the "Before you start" section.
Let's create the main file func_main.py
in the /src
folder of your model directory:
Hydrosphere communicates with the model using TensorProto messages. If you want to perform a transformation or inference on the received TensorProto message, you will have to retrieve its contents, perform a transformation on it, and pack the result back to the TensorProto message. Pre-built python runtime automatically converts TensorProto messages to Numpy arrays, so the end-user doesn't need to interact with TensorProto messages.
To do inference you have to define a function that will be invoked every time Hydrosphere handles a request and passes it to the model. Inside that function, you have to call a predict
(or similar) method of your model and return your predictions:
Inside func_main.py
we initialize our model outside of the serving function infer.
This process will not be triggered every time a new request comes in.
The infer
function takes the actual request, unpacks it, makes a prediction, packs the answer, and returns it. There is no strict rule for naming this function, it just has to be a valid Python function name.
To let Hydrosphere know which function to call from the func_main.py
file, we have to provide a resource definition file. This file will define a function to be called, inputs and outputs of a model, a signature function, and some other metadata required for serving.
Create a resource definition file serving.yaml
in the root of your model directorylogistic_regression
Inside serving.yaml
we also providerequirements.txt
as payload files to our model:
At this point make sure that the overall structure of your local model directory looks as shown in the "Before you start" section.
Although we have train.py
inside the model directory, it will not be uploaded to the cluster since we are not listing it underpayload
in the resource definition file.
Now we are ready to upload our model to Hydrosphere. To do so, inside the logistic_regression
model directory run:
To see your uploaded model, open http://localhost/models.
If you cannot find your newly uploaded model and it is listed on your models' page, it is probably still in the building stage. Wait until the model changes its status to Released
, then you can use it.
Once you have opened your model in the UI, you can create an application for it. Basically, an application represents an endpoint to your model, so you can invoke it from anywhere. To learn more about advanced features, go to the Applications page.
Open http://localhost/applications and press the Add New Application
button. In the opened window select the logistic_regression
model, name your application logistic_regression
and click the "Add Application" button.
Invoking applications is available via different interfaces. For this tutorial, we will cover calling the created Application by gRPC via our Python SDK.
To install SDK run:
Define a gRPC client on your side and make a call from it:
Hydrosphere Platform has multiple tools for data drift monitoring:
Data Drift Report
Automatic Outlier Detection
In this tutorial, we'll look at the monitoring dashboard and Automatic Outlier Detection feature.
Hydrosphere Monitoring relies heavily on training data. Users must provide training data to enable monitoring features.
To provide training data users need to add the training-data=<path_to_csv>
field to the serving.yaml
file. Run the following script to save training data used in previous steps as a trainig_data.csv
Next, add the training data field to the model definition inside the serving.yaml
Now we are ready to upload our model. Run the following command to create a new version of the logistic_regresion
Open the http://localhost/models page to see that there are now two versions of theogistic_regression
For each model with uploaded training data, Hydrosphere creates an outlier detection metric, which assigns an outlier score to each request. This metric labels a request as an outlier if the outlier score is greater than the 97th percentile of training data outlier scores distribution.
Let's send some data to our new model version. To do so, we need to update our logistic_regression
application. To update it, we can go to the Application tab and click the "Update" button:
After updating our Application, we can reuse our old code to send some data:
You can monitor your data quality in the Monitoring Dashboard:
The Monitoring dashboard plots all requests streaming through a model version as rectangles colored according to how "healthy" they are. On the horizontal axis, we group our data by batches and on the vertical axis, we group data by signature fields. In this plot, cells are determined by their batch and field. Cells are colored from green to red, depending on the average request health inside this batch.
To check whether our metric will be able to detect data drifts, let's simulate one and send data from another distribution. To do so, let's slightly modify our code:
You can validate that your model was able to detect data drifts on the monitoring dashboard.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to train and deploy a model for a classification task based on the Adult Dataset. The main steps of this process are data preparation, training a model, uploading a model to the cluster, and making a prediction on test samples.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Prepare data
Train a model
Deploy a model with SDK
Explore models via UI
Deploy a model with CLI and resource definition
For this tutorial, you need to have Hydrosphere Platform deployed and Hydrosphere CLI (hs
) along with Python SDK (hydrosdk
) _**_installed on your local machine. If you don't have them yet, please follow these guides first:
For this tutorial, you can use a local cluster. To ensure that, run hs cluster
in your terminal. This command will show the name and server address of a cluster you’re currently using. If it shows that you're not using a local cluster, you can configure one with the following commands:
Model training always requires some amount of initial preparation, most of which is data preparation. The Adult Dataset consists of 14 descriptors, 5 of which are numerical and 9 categorical, including the class column.
Categorical features are usually presented as strings. This is not an appropriate data type for sending it into a model, so we need to transform it first. We can remove rows that contain question marks in some samples. Once the preprocessing is complete, you can delete the DataFrame (df
There are many classifiers that you can potentially use for this step. In this example, we’ll apply the Random Forest classifier. After preprocessing, the dataset will be separated into train and test subsets. The test set will be used to check whether our deployed model can process requests on the cluster. After the training step, we can save a model with joblib.dump()
in a model/
model folder.
The easiest way to upload a model to your cluster is by using Hydrosphere SDK. SDK allows Python developers to configure and manage the model lifecycle on the Hydrosphere platform. Before uploading a model, you need to connect to your cluster:
Next, we need to create an inference script to be uploaded to the Hydrosphere platform. This script will be executed each time you are instantiating a model servable. Let's name our function file func_main.py
and store it in the src
folder inside the directory where your model is stored. Your directory structure should look like this:
The code in the func_main.py
should be as follows:
It’s important to make sure that variables will be in the right order after we transform our dictionary for a prediction. So in cols
we preserve column names as a list sorted by order of their appearance in the DataFrame.
To start working with the model in a cluster, we need to install the necessary libraries used in func_main.py
. Create a requirements.txt
in the folder with your model and add the following libraries to it:
After this, your model directory with all necessary dependencies should look as follows:
Now we are ready to upload our model to the cluster.
Hydrosphere Serving has a strictly typed inference engine, so before uploading our model we need to specify it’s signature withSignatureBuilder
. A signature contains information about which method inside the func_main.py
should be called, as well as shapes and types of its inputs and outputs.
Use X.dtypes
to check what types of data you have for each column. You can use int64
fields for all variables including income, which is our dependent variable and we can name it as 'y'
in a signature for further prediction.
Besides, you can specify the type of profiling for each variable using ProfilingType
so Hydrosphere could know what this variable is about and analyze it accordingly. For this purpose, we can create a dictionary, which could contain keys as our variables and values as our profiling types. Otherwise, you can describe them one by one as a parameter in the input.
Finally, we can complete our signature with the .build()
Next, we need to specify which files will be uploaded to the cluster. We use path
to define the root model folder and payload
to point out paths to all files that we need to upload.
At this point, we can combine all our efforts into the LocalModel
object. LocalModels are models before they get uploaded to the cluster. They contain all the information required to instantiate a ModelVersion in a Hydrosphere cluster. We’ll name this model adult_model
Additionally, we need to specify the environment in which our model will run. Such environments are called Runtimes. In this tutorial, we will use the default Python 3.7 runtime. This runtime uses the src/func_main.py
script as an entry point, which is the reason we organized our files the way we did.
One more parameter that you can define is a path to the training data of your model, required if you want to utilize additional services of Hydrosphere (for example, Automatic Outlier Detection).
Now we are ready to upload our model to the cluster. This process consists of several steps:
Once LocalModel
is prepared we can apply the upload
method to upload it.
Then we can lock any interaction with the model until it will be successfully uploaded.
helps to check whether our model was successfully uploaded to the platform by looking for it.
To deploy a model you should create an Application - a linear pipeline of ModelVersions
with monitoring and other benefits. Applications provide Predictor objects, which should be used for data inference purposes.
Predictors provide a predict
method which we can use to send our data to the model. We can try to make predictions for our test set that has preliminarily been converted to a list of dictionaries. You can check the results using the name you have used for an output of Signature and preserve it in any format you would prefer. Before making a prediction don't forget to make a small pause to finish all necessary loadings.
If you want to interact with your model via Hydrosphere UI, you can go to http://localhost
. Here you can find all your models. Click on a model to view information about it: versions, building logs, created applications, model's environments, and other services associated with deployed models.
You might notice that after some time there appears an additional model with the metric
postscript at the end of the name. This is your automatically formed monitoring model for outlier detection. Learn more about the Automatic Outlier Detection feature here.
🎉 You have successfully finished this tutorial! 🎉
Next, you can:
Go to the next tutorial and learn how to create a custom Monitoring Metric and attach it to your deployed model:
Explore the extended part of this tutorial to learn how to use YAML resource definitions to upload a ModelVersion and create an Application.
Another way to upload your model is to apply a resource definition. This process repeats all the previous steps like data preparation and training. The difference is that instead of SDK, we are using CLI to apply a resource definition.
A resource definition is a file that defines the inputs and outputs of a model, a signature function, and some other metadata required for serving. Go to the root directory of the model and create a serving.yaml
file. You should get the following file structure:
Model deployment with a resource definition repeats all the steps of that with SDK, but in one file. A considerable advantage of using a resource definition is that besides describing your model it allows creating an application by simply adding an object to the contract after the separation line at the bottom. Just name your application and provide the name and version of a model you want to tie to it.
To start uploading, run hs apply -f serving.yaml
. To monitor your model you can use Hydrosphere UI as was previously shown.
Here you can find all the general information about your servables, signatures, and services.
At the moment Hydrosphere allows you to track information concerning your production dataflow. It allows you to monitor possible data drift, construct data projections for visualization, and detect possible anomalies in your data. Hydrosphere automatically provides an outlier detection model based on your training data. To start working with anomaly detection, click the Monitoring section.
Here you can observe all your monitor metrics assigned to your production model, configure new metrics, and observe results of monitoring. In this guide, we will consider only outlier detection metrics created automatically by Hydrosphere, which is called 'auto_od_metric' in our case. Let's try to process some data samples. Simply we can randomly take some number of samples, e.g. 400, from the test part of Adult Dataset.
Now you can observe some changes at UI sections. Each section provides some specific information about dataflow processing. Aggregation shows the correspondence of each feature to some metric, e.g. whether a feature value is in the min-max interval of your training data.
Batch details show basic information about processed batch like the success of processing for each sample, where 100% means that all metrics have processed each sample successfully. For outlier detection, it could indicate that the sample is not an outlier. You can click on each sample to check the value for each variable, predicted class as well as the score for all external metrics.
Additionally, Monitoring constructs a graph separately for each metric. Here you can observe the accumulated graph for each batch accordingly.
For 'auto_od_metric' Hydrosphere provides a line graph of outlier score for each sample together with a threshold value. The threshold is calculated automatically inside the Hydrosphere engine (see Automatic Outlier Detection section). Still, you can configure a custom metric by clicking on the Configure Metrics section. Details are provided in the next chapter.
This section offers guides that address technical aspects of working with the Hydrosphere platform.
Inferencing applications can be achieved using any of the methods described below.
To send a sample request using Hydrosphere UI, open the desired application, and press the Test button at the upper right corner. We will generate dummy inputs based on your model's contract and send an HTTP request to the model's endpoint.
To send an HTTP request, you should send a POST request to the /gateway/application/<applicationName> endpoint with the JSON body containing your request data, composed with respect to the model's contract.
To send a gRPC request you need to create a specific client.
Estimated Completion Time: 18m.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom anomaly detection metric for a specific use case.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Train a monitoring model
Deploy of a monitoring model with SDK
Manage сustom metrics with UI
Upload a monitoring model with CLI
For this tutorial, you need to have Hydrosphere Platform deployed and Hydrosphere CLI (hs
) along with Python SDK (hydrosdk
) _**_installed on your local machine. If you don't have them yet, please follow these guides first:
This tutorial is a sequel to the previous tutorial. Please complete it first to have a prepared dataset and a trained model deployed to the cluster:
We start with the steps we used for the common model. First, let's create a directory structure for our monitoring model with an /src
folder containing an inference scriptfunc_main.py
To make sure that our monitoring model will see the same data as our prediction model, we are going to apply the training data that was saved previously for our monitoring model.
This is what the distribution of our inliers looks like. By choosing a contamination parameter we can adjust a threshold that will separate inliers from outliers accordingly. You have to be thorough in choosing it to avoid critical prediction mistakes. Otherwise, you can also stay with 'auto'
. To create a monitoring metric, we have to deploy that IsolationForest model as a separate model on the Hydrosphere platform. Let's save a trained model for serving.
First, let's create a new directory where we will store our inference script with declared serving function and its definitions. Put the following code inside the src/func_main.py
Next, we need to install the necessary libraries. Create a requirements.txt
and add the following libraries to it:
Just like with common models, we can use SDK to upload our monitoring model and bind it to the trained one. The steps are almost the same, but with some slight differences. First, since we want to predict the anomaly score instead of sample class, we need to change the type of output field from 'int64'
to 'float64'
Secondly, we need to apply a couple of new methods to create a metric. MetricSpec
is responsible for creating a metric for a specific model, with specific MetricSpecConfig.
Go to the UI to observe and manage all your models. Here you will find 3 models on the left panel:
- our monitoring model
- a model that was created by Automatic Outlier Detection
During the prediction, you will get anomaly scores for each sample in the form of a chart with two lines. The curved line shows scores, while the horizontal dotted one is our threshold. When the curve intersects the threshold, it might be a sign of potential anomalousness. However, this is not always the case, since there are many factors that might affect this, so be careful about your final interpretation.
Just like in the case with all other types of models, we can define and upload a monitoring model using a resource definition. We have to pack our model with a model definition, like in the previous tutorial.
Inputs of this model are the inputs of the target monitored model plus the outputs of that model. We will use the value
field as an output for the monitoring model. The final directory structure should look like this:
From that folder, upload the model to the cluster:
Now we have to attach the deployed Monitoring model as a custom metric. Let's create a monitoring metric for our pre-deployed classification model in the UI:
From the Models section, select the target model you would like to deploy and select the desired model version.
Open the Monitoring tab.
At the bottom of the page click the Configure Metric
From the opened window click the Add Metric
Specify the name of the metric.
Choose the monitoring model.
Choose the version of the monitoring model.
Select a comparison operator Greater
. This means that if you have a metric value greater than a specified threshold, an alarm should be fired.
Set the threshold value. In this case, it should be equal to the value of monitoring_model.threshold_
Click the Add Metric
That's it. Now you have a monitored income classifier deployed on the Hydrosphere platform.
An entity could be your model, application, or deployment configuration. Each definition is represented by a .yaml
Every definition must include the following fields:
: defines the type of a resource
: defines the name of a resource
The only valid options for kind
A model definition must contain the following fields:
: an object defining the inputs and outputs of a model.
A model definition can contain the following fields:
: a list of files that should be added to the container.
: a string defining a command that should be executed during the container build.
: a string defining a path to the file that will be uploaded to Hydrosphere and used as a training data reference. It can be either a local file or a URI to an S3 object. At the moment we only support .csv
: an object defining additional user metadata that will be displayed on the Hydrosphere UI.
The example below shows how a model can be defined on the top level.
object must contain the following fields:
: an object, defining all inputs of a model
: an object, defining all outputs of a model
object can contain the following fields:
: a string defining the signature of the model that should be used to process requests
object must contain the following fields:
: either "scalar"
or a list of integers, defining the shape of your data. If a shape is defined as a list of integers, it can have -1
value at the very beginning of the list, indicating that this field has an arbitrary number of "entities". -1
cannot be put anywhere aside from the beginning of the list.
: a string defining the type of data.
object can contain the following fields:
: a string, defining the profile type of your data.
The only valid options for type
bool — Boolean
string — String in bytes
half — 16-bit half-precision floating-point
float16 — 16-bit half-precision floating-point
float32 — 32-bit single-precision floating-point
double — 64-bit double-precision floating-point
float64 — 64-bit double-precision floating-point
uint8 — 8-bit unsigned integer
uint16 — 16-bit unsigned integer
uint32 — 32-bit unsigned integer
uint64 — 64-bit unsigned integer
int8 — 8-bit signed integer
int16 — 16-bit signed integer
int32 — 32-bit signed integer
int64 — 64-bit signed integer
qint8 — Quantized 8-bit signed integer
quint8 — Quantized 8-bit unsigned integer
qint16 — Quantized 16-bit signed integer
quint16 — Quantized 16-bit unsigned integer
complex64 — 64-bit single-precision complex
complex128 — 128-bit double-precision complex
The only valid options for profile
text — monitoring such fields will be done with text-oriented algorithms.
image — monitoring such fields will be done with image-oriented algorithms.
numerical — monitoring such fields will be done with numerical-oriented algorithms.
categorical — monitoring such fields will be done with categorical-oriented algorithms.
The example below shows how a contract can be defined on the top level.
object can represent any arbitrary information specified by the user. The structure of the object is not strictly defined. The only constraint is that the object must have a key-value structure, where a value can only be of a simple data type (string, number, boolean).
The example below shows, how metadata can be defined.
The example below shows a complete definition of a sample model.
The application definition must contain one of the following fields:
: An object, defining a single-model application;
: A list of objects, defining an application as a pipeline of models.
object represents an application consisting only of one model. The object must contain the following fields:
: A string, defining a model version. It is expected to be in the form model-name:model-version
The example below shows how a singular application can be defined.
represents a list of stages, representing models.
object must contain the following fields:
: A string defining a model version. It is expected to be in the form model-name:model-version
object can contain the following fields:
: A number defining the weight of the model. All models' weights in a stage must add up to 100.
The example below shows how a pipeline application can be defined.
In this application, 100% of the traffic will be forwarded to the claims-preprocessing:1
model version and the output will be fed into claims-model
. 80% of the traffic will go to the claims-model:1
model version, 20% of the traffic will go to the claims-model:2
model version.
The DeploymentConfiguration resource definition can contain the following fields:
: An object defining settings applied on a container level
: An object defining settings applied on a deployment level
: An object defining settings applied on a pod level
The hpa
object must contain:
: minReplicas is the lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down.
: integer, upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler; cannot be smaller than minReplicas.
: integer from 1 to 100, target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods; if not specified the default autoscaling policy will be used.
The container object can contain:
: object with string keys and string values which is used to set environment variables.
The pod object can contain
The deployment object must contain:
: integer, number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
The example below shows how a deployment configuration can be defined.
Monitoring can be used to track the behavior of external models running outside of the Hydrosphere platform. This tutorial describes how to register an external model, trigger analysis over your requests, and retrieve results.
By the end of this tutorial you will know how to:
Register a model
Upload training data
Assign custom metrics
Invoke analysis
Retrieve metrics
For this tutorial, you need to have Hydrosphere Platform deployed on your local machine with Sonar component enabled. If you don't have it yet, please follow this guide first:
You also need a running external model, capable of producing predictions. Inputs and outputs of that model will be fed into Hydrosphere for monitoring purposes.
First, you have to register an external model. To do that, submit a JSON document, defining your model.
This section describes the structure of the JSON document used to register external models within the platform.
The document must contain the following top-level members, describing the interface of your model:
: the name of the registered model. This name uniquely identifies a collection of model versions, registered within the Hydrosphere platform.
: the interface of the registered model. This member describes inputs and outputs of the model, as well as other complementary metadata, such as model signature, and data profile for each field.
A document may contain additional top-level members, describing other details of your model.
: the metadata of the registered model. The structure of the object is not strictly defined. The only constraint is that the object must have a key-value structure, where a value can only be of a simple data type (string, number, boolean).
: monitoring configuration to be used for this model.
This example shows, how a model can be defined at the top level:
object defines a monitoring configuration to be used for the model version. The object must contain the following members:
: size of the batch to be used for aggregations.
The example below shows how a monitoringConfiguration
object can be defined.
object appears in the document to define the interface of the model. The contract object must contain the following members:
: the original name of the model. It should be the same as the name of the registered model, defined on the level above;
: the signature of the model. It defines the inputs and the outputs of the model.
The example below shows how a contract
object can be defined.
object describes the signature of the model. The signature object must contain the following members:
: The signature of the model, used to process the request;
: A collection of fields, defining the inputs of the model. Each item in the collection describes a single data entry, its type, shape, and profile. A collection must contain at least one item;
: A collection of fields, defining the outputs of the model. Each item in the collection describes a single data entry, its type, shape, and profile. A collection must contain at least one item.
The example below shows how a predict
object can be defined.
Items in the inputs
/ outputs
collections are collectively called "fields". The field object must contain the following members:
: Name of the field;
: Data type of the field.
: Data profile of the field.
: Shape of the field.
The only valid options for dtype
The only valid options for profile
The example below shows how a single field
object can be defined.
object defines the shape of the data that the model is processing. The shape object must contain the following members:
: A collection of items, describing each dimension. A collection may be empty — in that case, the tensor will be interpreted as a scalar value.
: Boolean value. Identifies whether the defined shape is of unknown rank.
The example below shows how a shape
object can be defined.
object defines a dimension of the field. The dim object must contain the following members:
: Size of the dimension.
: Name of the dimension.
The example below shows how a dim
object can be defined.
A model can be registered by sending a POST
request to the /api/v2/externalmodel
endpoint. The request must include a model definition as primary data.
The request below shows an example of an external model registration.
As a response, the server will return a JSON object with complementary metadata, identifying a registered model version.
The response object from the external model registration request contains the following fields:
: Model version ID, uniquely identifying a registered model version within Hydrosphere platform;
: An object, representing a model collection, registered in Hydrosphere platform;
: Model version number in the model collection;
: Contract of the model, similar to the one defined in the request section above;
: Metadata of the model, similar to the one defined in the request section above;
: MonitoringConfiguration of the model, similar to the one defined in the request section above;
: Timestamp, indicating when the model was registered.
Note theid
field. It will be referred as MODEL_VERSION_ID
later throughout the article.
object represents a collection of model versions, registered in the platform. The response model
object contains the following fields:
: ID of the model collection;
: Name of the model collection.
The example below shows, a sample server response from an external model registration request.
To let Hydrosphere calculate the metrics of your requests, you have to submit the training data. You can do so by:
Currently, we support uploading training data as .csv files and utilizing it for NUMERICAL, CATEGORICAL, and TEXT profiles only.
Switch to the cluster, suitable for your current flow.
If you don't have a defined cluster yet, create one using the following command.
Make sure you have a local copy of the training data that you want to submit.
Submit the training data. You must specify two parameters:
: A string indicating the model version to which you want to submit the data. The string should be formatted in the following way <model-name>:<model-version>
: Path to a filename, that you want to submit.
If you already have your training data uploaded to S3, you can specify a path to that object URI using --s3path
parameter instead of --filename
. The object behind this URI should be available to the Hydrosphere instance.
Depending on the size of your data, you will have to wait for the data to be uploaded. If you don't want to wait, you can use the --async
To upload your data using an HTTP endpoint, stream it to the /monitoring/profiles/batch/<MODEL_VERSION_ID>
In the code snippets below you can see how data can be uploaded using sample HTTP clients.
This step is optional. If you wish to assign a custom monitoring metric to a model, you can do it by:
using Hydrosphere UI
using HTTP endpoint
To assign metrics using HTTP endpoint, you will have to submit a JSON document, defining a monitoring specification.
The document must contain the following top-level members.
: The name of the monitoring metric;
: Unique identifier of the model to which you want to assign a metric;
: Object, representing a configuration of the metric, which will be applied to the model.
The example below shows how a metric can be defined on the top level.
object defines a configuration of the monitoring metric that will monitor the model. The model must contain the following members:
: Unique identifier of the model that will monitor requests;
: Threshold value, against which monitoring values will be compared using a comparison operator;
: Object, representing a comparison operator.
The example below shows, how a metric can be defined on a top-level.
object defines the kind of comparison operator that will be used when comparing a value produced by the metric against the threshold. The object must contain the following members:
: Kind of comparison operator.
The only valid options for kind
The example below shows, how a metric can be defined on the top level.
The request below shows an example of assigning a monitoring metric. At this moment, both monitoring and the actual prediction model should be registered/uploaded to the platform.
In the code snippets below you can see how analysis can be triggered with sample gRPC clients.
A request must contain the following parameters:
: how many requests to fetch;
: which offset to make from the beginning.
An example request is shown below.
Calculated metrics have a dynamic structure, which is dependant on the model interface.
A response object contains the original data submitted for prediction, the model's response, calculated metrics and other supplementary metadata. Every field produced by Hydrosphere is prefixed with _hs_
: ID of the request, generated internally by Hydrosphere;
: ID of the request, specified by user;
: Name of the model that processed a request;
: Version of the model that processed a request;
: ID of the model version, which processed a request;
: Raw checks calculated by Hydrosphere based on the training data;
: Metrics produced by monitoring models;
: Latency, indicating how much it took to process a request;
: Error message that occurred during request processing;
: The number of all successful checks divided by the number of all checks;
: The amount of all successful metric values (not exceeding a specified threshold), divided by the amount of all metric values;
: Timestamp in nanoseconds, when the object was generated;
: Year when the object was generated;
: Month when the object was generated;
: Day when the object was generated;
Apart from the fields defined above, each object will have additional fields specific to the particular model version and its interface.
: The number of all successful checks calculated for this specific field divided by the total number of all checks calculated for this specific field;
: The value of the field.
object contains all fields, for which checks have been calculated.
The example below shows, how the _hs_raw_checks_
object can be defined.
object declares the check, that has been calculated for the particular field. The following members will be present in the object.
: Boolean value indicating, whether the check has been passed;
: Description of the check that has been calculated;
: Threshold of the check;
: Value of the field;
: Metric specification ID. For each check
object this value will be set to null
The example below shows, how the check
object can be defined.
object contains all fields for which metrics have been calculated.
The example below shows how the _hs_metrics_checks
object can be defined.
object declares the metric, that has been calculated for the particular field. The following members will be present in the object.
: Boolean value indicating, whether the metric has not been fired;
: Name of the metric that has been calculated;
: Threshold of the metric;
: Value of the metric;
: Metric specification ID.
The example below shows how the metric
object can be defined.
The example below shows a fully composed server response.
This guideline is dedicated to an anomaly detection service for a launched model. If you haven't finished this stage, please check our previous . As the first step, let's check our working interface by clicking your model on the left.
The Metrics subsection is responsible for providing an aggregated result for processing all samples in a batch by all assigned metrics. In Hydrosphere is it used a graphic scale, where green color () means that all samples are successfully checked, whereas colors like yellow, orange and red (,) would indicate that you have significantly many potenial anomalies.
You can learn more about our Python SDK .
Let's take a problem described in the previous tutorial as a use case and as a data source. We will monitor a model that classifies whether the income of a given person exceeds $50.000 per year.
As a monitoring metric, we will use IsolationForest. You can learn how it works in its .
Anomaly scores are obtained through inside the Hydrosphere's engine after making a Servable, so you don't need to perform any additional manipulations.
- a model that we trained for prediction in the
Click on the trained model and then on Monitoring. On the monitoring dasboard you now have two external metrics: the first one is auto_od_metric
that was automatically generated by , and the new one is custom_metric
that we have just created. You can also change settings for existing metrics and configure the new ones in the Configure Metrics
describe Hydrosphere entities.
: a string defining the runtime Docker image that will be used to run a model. You can learn more about runtimes .
: An object defining
The hpa
object closely resembles the Kubernetes object
: object with limits
and requests
fields. Closely resembles the k8s object
The hpa object is similar to the Kubernetes object.
: which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. .
: pod's scheduling constraints. Represented by an object.
: array of .
In each case your training data should be represented as a CSV document, containing fields named exactly as in the of your model.
You can acquire MODEL_VERSION_ID
by sending a GET request to /model/version/<MODEL_NAME>/<MODEL_VERSION>
endpoint. The response document will have a similar structure, already defined @ref.
To find out how to assign metrics using Hydrosphere UI, refer to page.
To send a request for analysis you have to use gRPC endpoint. We have already ProtoBuf messages for the reference.
Create an message that contains metadata information of the model, used to process a given request:
Create a message that contains the original request passed to the serving model for the prediction:
Create a message that contains inferenced output of the model:
Assemble an from the above-created messages.
Submit ExecutionInformation proto to Sonar for analysis. Use the RPC method of the to calculate metrics.
Once triggered, the method does not return anything. To fetch calculated metrics from the model version, you have to make a GET request to the /monitoring/checks/all/<MODEL_VERSION_ID>
Name of the application
Request data, composed with respect to the model's contract.
This section of the Hydrosphere documentation contains references.
To use private pip repository you must add customized pip.conf
file pointing to your custom PyPI repository.
For example, your custom pip.conf file can look like this:
If you need to specify the certificate to use during pip install
you want to specify the path to it in a pip.conf
file e.g.
You can tell pip
to use this pip.conf
file in the install-command
field inside serving.yaml
Hydrosphere platform consists of multiple microservices described in the Platform Architecture section.
Manager, Gateway, and Sonar services are written in Scala while other services are written in Python.
You can explore Github issues with good-first-issue
tag to check out where to start.
Our team is constantly conducting user interviews to learn about what problems our users have and how they solve them.
These typically involve a 30-minute zoom call. Your experiences are of extreme value to us, so please consider participating.
Schedule a time slot to talk with Hydrosphere team
Check CONTRIBUTING.md inside of the repo to which you will contribute to get any additional information.
Sometimes our runtime images are not flexible enough. In that case, you might want to implement one yourself.
The key things you need to know to write your own runtime are:
How to implement a predefined gRPC service for a dedicated language
How to our contracts' protobufs work to describe entry points, such as inputs and outputs
How to create your own Docker image and publish it to an open registry
There are different approaches to generating client and server gRPC code in different languages. Let's have a look at how to do that in Python.
First, let's clone our protos repository and prepare a folder for the generated code:
To generate the gRPC code we need to install additional packages:
Our custom runtime will require contracts
and tf
protobuf messages. Let's generate them:
The structure of the runtime
should now be as follows:
Now that we have everything set up, let's implement a runtime. Create a runtime.py
file and put in the following code:
Let's quickly review what we have here. RuntimeManager
simply manages our service, i.e. starts it, stops it, and holds all necessary data. RuntimeService
is a service that actually implements thePredict(PredictRequest)
RPC function.
The model will be stored inside the /model
directory in the Docker container. The structure of /model
is a follows:
file will be created by the Manager service. It contains a binary representation of the ModelContract message.
directory contains all files of your model.
To run this service let's create an another file main.py
Before we can use the runtime, we have to package it into a container.
To add requirements for installing dependencies, create a requirements.txt
file and put inside:
Create a Dockerfile to build our image:
is an environment variable used by Hydrosphere. When Hydrosphere invokes Predict
method, it does so via the defined port.
The structure of the runtime
folder should now look like this:
Build and push the Docker image:
Remember that the registry has to be accessible to the Hydrosphere platform so it can pull the runtime whenever it has to run a model with this runtime.
That's it. You have just created a simple runtime that you can use in your own projects. It is an almost identical version of our python runtime implementation. You can always look up details there.
This section is to help users solve common known issues.
If you want to ask questions live, you are free to do so in our Hydrosphere channel on Slack:
If you are using a framework for which a runtime is not yet implemented, you can open an issue in our Github.
Code is available on Github.
Code is available on GitHub.
Code is available on GitHub.
This guide is written for contributing to documentation. It doesn't contain any instructions on installing software prerequisites. If your intended contribution requires any software installations, please refer to their respective official documentation.
Git installed on your local machine
GitHub account
PR Contribution Workflow
Basic Workflow Example
PR Acceptance policy
Fork and clone this repository (git clone
Create a feature branch against master (git checkout -b featurename
Make changes in the feature branch
Commit your changes (git commit -am "Add a feature"
Push your changes to GitHub (git push origin feature
Open a Pull Request and wait for your PR to get reviewed
Edit your PR to address the feedback (if any)
See your PR getting merged
In order to contribute, you need to make your own copy of the repository you're going to contribute to. You do this by forking the repository to your GitHub account and then cloning the fork to your local machine.
Fork this GitHub repository: on GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository and click the Fork button in the upper-right area of the screen. This will create a fork (a copy of this repository in your GitHub account).
Clone the fork and switch to the project directory by running in your terminal:
2. Create a New Branch
It is important to make all your changes in a separate branch created off the master branch.
Before any modifications to the repository that you've just cloned, create a new branch off of the master branch.
Create a new branch off of the current one and switch to it:
To switch between branches, use the same command without the -b
flag. For example, to switch back to the master branch:
This way you can switch between multiple branches when you work on multiple features at once.
Branch Naming Conventions
Give your branch a descriptive name so that others working on the project understand what you are working on. The branch name should include the name of the module that you're contributing to.
Name your branch according to the following template, replacing nginx
with the name of the module you're contributing to:
Make changes you want to propose. Make sure you do this in a dedicated branch based on the master branch.
Commit changes often to avoid accidental data loss. Make sure to provide your commits with descriptive comments.
Or add and commit all changed files with one command:
Push your local changes to your fork on GitHub.
For example, if your remote repository is called origin and you want to push a branch named docs/fix:
Navigate to your fork on GitHub. Press the "New pull request" button in the upper-left part of the page. Add a title and a comment. Once you press the "Create pull request" button, the maintainers of this repository will receive your PR.
After you submit the PR, one or several of the Hydrosphere repository reviewers will provide you with actionable feedback. Edit your PR to address all of the comments. Reviewers do their best to provide feedback and approval in a timely fashion but note that response time may vary based on circumstances.
Once your PR is approved by a reviewer, it gets accepted and merged with the main repository. Merged PRs will get included in the next Hydrosphere release.
What will make your PR more likely to get accepted:
Having your fixes on a dedicated branch
Proper branch naming
Descriptive commit messages
PR title describing what changed
PR comment describing why/where it changed in <80 chars
Texts checked for spelling and typos (you can use Grammarly)
Code snippets checked with linters (when applicable)
A PR title should describe what has changed. A PR comment should describe why and what/where. If your changes relate to a particular issue, a PR comment should contain an issue number. Please keep PR comments below 80 characters for readability.
PR title example:
PR comment example:
Minor edits (typos, spelling, formatting, adding small text pieces) may get waved through. More substantial changes normally require more time, reviewers, and back-and-forths, and you might get asked for a PR resubmission or dividing changes into more that one PR. Usually, PRs are getting merged right after the approval.